Equity at Katikati Medical Centre
The Ministry of Health (2019) definition of Equity is:
“In Aotearoa New Zealand, people have differences in health that are not only avoidable but unfair and unjust. Equity recognises different people with different levels of advantage require different approaches and resources to get equitable health outcomes”.
At Katikati Medical Centre we are committed to uphold the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi and achieving equity in health outcomes for our patients. We have a dedicated Equity Team who are actively looking at all aspects of equity within our everyday practice. This is regardless of ethnicity, culture, gender, religion, political leaning or ability.
We follow strategy set by the Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organization and believe that by being open to new ways of working and looking at how we are offering our services, we can achieve more equitable care for our patients.
All our staff are trained in the principles and practice of health equity, and we strive to understand bias and work in a culturally safe way for patients, whanau and the community we serve.
After Hours Telephone Service
For After Hours medical advice phone 07 549 0411 and you will be redirected to a triage service and answered by a qualified nurse. The nurse will discuss treatment options and point you in the right direction for the care you need.
If you are:
- feeling unwell – but not sure whether you need to see a doctor
- needing some urgent advice about a family member or friend who’s sick
- on holiday and want to know where the nearest doctor or pharmacy is
In a life threatening emergency it is still best to phone for an ambulance on 111
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday
08:00am – 5:30pm
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays
8.30am – 12 noon Emergency Clinic only
Contact Info
Phone: 07 549 0411